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George Junior High

Home of the Rangers

Student Resources

Student Research Tools

George Junior High Library is dedicated to helping students find the information they need to support the classroom curriculum. With both home and school access to a variety of databases, students can easily find information without the hassle of searching thru the World Wide Web. Please contact Mrs. Hillis at (832)223-3607 or for usernames/passwords.

​Reading Counts

The following databases provide students with a wide range of resources from encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries, eBooks and specialized reference sources for research across the curriculum. From Math and Science and every other subject in between, find the database that best suits your research or project needs!


. A well-organized literature resource center featuring books, study materials, and comfortable reading spaces for students.

Logo of Discovery Education featuring a stylized globe and the name in bold, modern typography.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education streaming integrates seamlessly into any curriculum with 5,000 full-length videos (by end of 2008) segmented into 50,000 content-specific clips tied directly state and national standards. Teacher use only, unless instructor sets up class use.